Thursday, 12 February 2015

Teacher training : Getting a teaching job

Teacher training : Getting a teaching job

If you're a newly qualified teacher (NQT) or about to qualify, you need to start applying for your first teaching job...

Where can I find a teaching job?

NQTs often find their first position through the school where they did their teaching placement. It's a good idea to get some advice from the teaching staff in the school(s) you have worked in.
Vacancies and pool applications may be advertised from as early as December or January so think ahead. Remember that not all schools can offer NQTs an induction, such as those under special measures.

There are a range of sources to help NQTs find a teaching post, including…
Websites for:
  • local authorities (LAs);
  • specific educational establishment vacancies;
  • the Times Educational Supplement (TES) or TES jobs app;
  • Guardian jobs.
You may also find teaching jobs advertised in the national press. Look in the:
  • Times Educational Supplement (TES) - published on Fridays;
  • The Independent - published on Thursdays;
  • Guardian's Education section - published on Tuesdays.
Check your local press as many schools may prefer to advertise locally.
Supply teaching can be useful in some instances, for example, if you are moving to a new area, aren't looking for a full-time role, or want to stay in an area where there are not many permanent posts available. But how can you make them work for you?
Choose carefully the agencies you register with, this maybe based on a personal recommendations or those that the schools you are targeting use. Sign up for a select few and ask about how they support NQTs. You will be at an advantage if you can drive, have use of a car and can be flexible in geography and the age range you teach. Where appropriate be honest with the agency about any limitations you have and they can try to work round that.
You may be booked for work in advance, or get a call early in the morning. The school could provide lesson plans for you to use but it is good to take work with you just in case. Ask as much as you can in advance or on arrival about behaviour policy, school routine and other practical matters.

For more Information CLICK HERE

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